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We're Building a Wood Kiln!!!

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We're Building a Wood Kiln!!!

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 In 2019 I begin working on a life long, well pottery life, long dream of building a wood kiln. I started building the only wood kiln in Downtown Durham NC with the help of the community.


I see Woodfiring as a decorative collaboration between the artist and the fire. While I create the shape, the flame and wood ash create paintings on the pots. They leave traces of their journey. This collaboration reminds me of how life shapes us all.


I was able to purchase bricks and received soo much help during the build from the community. With the help of others and my hand dandy kiln building book, I figured I could conquer the build!

Turns out, building a wood kiln is way more complicated than I anticipated. Our kiln never reached temp and We took a step back to figure out the next step.


And then COVID! 

This project has been on hold for years but now its time to breath new life into the fire!

5 years later, armed with more knowledge, a better plan and the support of the community, We're going to rebuild!


I am now partnering with Julie of Piedmont Clayworks and Outer Loop Arts to build a new wood kiln at Josh's Hope.

 Josh's Hope Foundation provides a unique experience of personal support and on-the-job training to help those with mental health challenges work to improve their health, live a self-directed life, and achieve their full potential


We're dismantling the original kiln and we're going to build a slightly bigger and much better kiln! We'll hold future workshops classes as well as a kiln building workshop!


Here's how You can Help!

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New Studio!!

Years ago, I dreamed of growing my pottery studio. I dreamed of having heat for the winter, AC for the summer and a larger community space that continued to nurture all.


With the help of EAST FORK Pottery, we were able to raise the funds for a second pottery studio in Durham NC!


Finding the perfect space in a rapidly growing city with, rising prices was not easy but we did it!

I am so thankful to everyone who donated, supported or shared my story. 


Now we're growing again!!!!

3 Studios!

With your help we've quickly outgrown our new space. We are now expanding  to make room for more classes, artists and BIPOC residency programs! 

As we renovate the new space there are still ways in which you can contribute.


Ways to help

<--Donate Today 

- Amazon Wish list

- Sign up for a Pottery Class

- Share this page!


How it Started

  ​In 2018 I started teaching small and private classes at Liberty Arts with limited supplies, no heating or air conditioning. Creativity has been key to make the space an inviting one for students.


     Since then, the studio has grown to eight wheels, three electric kilns, and a Raku kiln. I now offer three classes every six weeks, studio assistantships, open studio sessions, Raku workshops, and visiting artist classes. In addition I’ve worked to gather materials and supplies to build a wood fired kiln. While there’s still no heating or AC, I’ve kept the dream alive.


     It’s hard to dream big. Before I became a full-time potter I was terrified that even selling pottery wouldn’t work, but I kept going and showed up at markets to make it work. After joining Liberty Arts, the idea of an entire pottery studio was a gamble that I feared wouldn’t pay off. Slowly but surely, the students I’ve had made the studio dream come alive. Having the faith in your own dreams and the courage to do the work that brings them to fruition still scares me, but I’ve learned to keep going.


     When I envision my dream studio I think of the book The Secret Garden. I want everything to be a revitalizing experience. From driving up to the building, to the actual studio space. I envision a home for wood kilns, workshops, pottery and hand-building classes. I see a studio with visiting artists, studio assistants and an artist community where ideas are shared, refined in casual conversation, or long days of hard work.


     Its a big dream, but you have to start big. Working backwards from that dream the next step I’m working towards is a climate controlled space that is about twice the size of my current situation. Currently the 700 sq ft studio is bursting at the seams and the winter and summer months still present a challenge. As I move forward I’ll continue saving, planning and working to make this next step in the dream come true.


-Delores Farmer
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